Herbal term usually associated with plants that are not woody or plants are shrubs. In the world of medicine, herbal term has a broader meaning, ie all types of plants and all parts of which contains one or more active ingredients that can be used as a drug (therapeutic). For example mengkudu forest (Morinda citrifolia) which contains Morindin, anti-cancer active ingredients; Centella asiatica (Centela asiatica) which contains useful Asiaticoside for skin problems and increased IQ.

Herbalogi berasal dari kata ‘Herba’ yang berarti tumbuhan dan ‘logi’ atau ‘logos’ yang berarti ilmu. Dengan demikian Herbalogi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari segala sesuatu yang berkait dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Dalam dunia pengobatan herbalogi dipahami sebagai sebuah konsep atau metode pengobatan dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang berasal dari herba (tanaman obat).
Herbalogi comes from the word 'hain' which means the plants and 'logic' or 'logos' which means knowledge. Thus Herbalogi is the study of all things related to plants. In the world of medicine herbalogi understood as a concept or method of treatment using ingredients derived from herbs (medicinal plants).
Herbalogi comes from the word 'hain' which means the plants and 'logic' or 'logos' which means knowledge. Thus Herbalogi is the study of all things related to plants. In the world of medicine herbalogi understood as a concept or method of treatment using ingredients derived from herbs (medicinal plants).

2. Selain dari faktor eksternal, pengobatan herba memahami bahwa dari dalam diri manusia terdapat kekuatan penyembuh yang datang dari faktor Spiritual, emosional, mental, dan fisikal. Kekuatan penyembuh tersebut dalam dunia medis modern dikenal dengan Sistem Imun.
3. Sistem Imun menjadi penentu utama sehat atau sakitnya seseorang. Herbalogi menaruh perhatian besar terhadap masalah imunity tersebut. Sehingga tujuan pengobatan adalah diarahkan untuk “Improve and maintain body immune system against external pathogen and pressure”.
4. Menggunakan semurni-murninya bahan dari herba sebagai obat, tanpa tambahan zat kimia sintetis.
Herbal Medicine Concept
1. The approach used is holistic. The human body is seen to have a system of harmony that is always in balance; non-functioning of one part of the body causing imbalance dibagian other bodies. If the body is not able to perform such rebalancing its original state, it will tibul a disease. One goal of herbal medicine is to help the body restore harmony or balance the body.
2. Apart from external factors, medical herbs from the understanding that human beings have a healing power that comes from spiritual factors, emotional, mental, and physical. Healing power in the modern medical world known as the Immune System.
3. Immune system became the main determinant of healthy or sick person. Herbalogi pay great attention to the imunity problem. So the goal of treatment is directed to "Improve and maintain the body immune system against pathogen and external pressure".
4. Using pure-pure ingredients from herbs as drugs, without the addition of synthetic chemicals.
Herbal Medicine Concept
1. The approach used is holistic. The human body is seen to have a system of harmony that is always in balance; non-functioning of one part of the body causing imbalance dibagian other bodies. If the body is not able to perform such rebalancing its original state, it will tibul a disease. One goal of herbal medicine is to help the body restore harmony or balance the body.
2. Apart from external factors, medical herbs from the understanding that human beings have a healing power that comes from spiritual factors, emotional, mental, and physical. Healing power in the modern medical world known as the Immune System.
3. Immune system became the main determinant of healthy or sick person. Herbalogi pay great attention to the imunity problem. So the goal of treatment is directed to "Improve and maintain the body immune system against pathogen and external pressure".
4. Using pure-pure ingredients from herbs as drugs, without the addition of synthetic chemicals.
Perbedaan Pengobatan Herbal dengan Pengobatan Kimia Sintetis
Konsep Pengobatan Herbal sangat berbeda dengan konsep pengobatan Modern (yang biasanya menggunakan Kimia Sintetis sebagai obat). Misalnya dalam pengobatan kimia sintetis penyebab penyakit adalah virus, bakteri, dan pathogen (mikro organisme pembawa penyakit); sedangkan dalam pengobatan herbal, penyebab penyakit adalah lemahnya system imun.
Berikut adalah table perbedaan antara kedua konsep pengobatan tersebut:
Pengobatan Kimia Sintetis Pengobatan Herbal
* Berasal dari Barat * Berasal dari Timur
* Menggunakan bahan kimia sintetis * Menggunakan bahan alamiah/organik
* Daya keterserapan 50% - 70% * Daya keterserapan 90%
* Bersifat antibiotic (racun bakteri) * Bersifat probiotik
* Menurunkan system imun * Meningkatkan system imun
* Mengobatai gejala / Symptomati * Holistic / mengobati sumber penyakit
* Menimbulkan efek samping * Tidak ada efek samping
* Khasiat lebih cepat tetapi destruktif * Khasiat lambat tetapi konstruktif
* Kebanyakan mengandung zat haram * Halal karena murni dari tumbuhan
Disarikan dari kursus NATURAL HEALING COURSE Skill I
oleh: Abu Ameera
sumber www.back2herbal.multiply.com"
Herbal Treatment differences with Synthetic Chemical Treatment
The concept of Herbal Medicine is very different from the concept of modern medicine (which is usually used as a drug Synthetic Chemistry). For example in the treatment of disease-causing synthetic chemicals are viruses, bacteria, and pathogen (disease carrying micro-organisms), while the herbal treatment, the disease causes the immune system is weak.
Here is the table the difference between the two treatment concepts are:
Synthetic Chemistry Medicine Herbal Medicine
* Derived from the West * Derived from the East
* Use of synthetic chemicals * Using natural materials / organic
* Power absorption 50% - 70% * 90% power absorption
* Being antibiotics (bacterial toxins) * As a probiotic
* Reduce the immune system * Improving immune system
* Mengobatai symptoms / Symptomati * Holistic / cure disease source
* Encourages side effects * No side effects
* Benefits faster but destructive * Benefits slow but constructive
* Most contain haram * Halal because of pure plant
Excerpted from the course NATURAL HEALING COURSE Skill I
by: Abu Ameera
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